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HFR(ヒストリック・フォーミュラ・レジスター)は、「ヒストリック フォーミュラをこよなく愛し、伝統的文化遺産と考え、健全なモータースポーツ活動を楽しむ」という理念のもと、2001年4月に発足したアマチュア・オーナー&ドライバーによるクラブ組織です。


参加できるのは基本的に1960年代に製造されたウイングなどの空力付加物をもたない“葉巻型”と呼ばれるFormula Junior・Formula3、Formula Ford、Formula Bに属するフォーミュラカーたち。公式レースではないので、FIA規格ほどの詳細で厳格なレギュレーションは存在しませんが、何よりも優先する重要な資格として“ジェントルマンであること”という一文が会の規約に記されています。



Historic Formula Register(HFR) is a privateer racing drivers club which organizes and helps promote historic formula car races in Japan.

Since its foundation in April 2001, HFR has served to provide safe yet competitive racing opportunities, and has fostered camaraderie among like-minded members who appreciate the sheer joy of racing historic formula cars and true values of their respective heritage.

The humble first race in 2001 saw only 4 cars, but was a significant initial spark that lead to promising future to come. Today almost 30 cars constantly come up on the grid after years of constant growth; virtually a largest formula car race group in Japan.

Races are conducted among pre-1969 “cigar-shaped” monopostos ranging from Formula Jr/Formula 3, Formula Ford to Formula B under HFR’s only and the most valued principle that requires every member to be a true gentleman/woman on/off the track, as well as under the technical regulations based on the essences from those of international race organizers and FIA K appendix.

These principle and regulations are the HFR's heart of safe and fair competition among well-prepared cars and drivers. And they worked: no serious accident since the foundation---this is the pride and the identity of HFR, and always will be.

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